Why do charities and non profits choose Rosterfy?
Because Rosterfy is one platform to future proof your end-to-end volunteer management.World’s most powerful automations engine
Rosterfy has the ability to automate up to 75% of nonprofits end to end workforce program, giving them the freedom to scale with impact.
Connect Rosterfy with your CRM
Create a single source of truth for your volunteers with Rosterfy integrating with CRMs including Salesforce, Blackbaud, Microsoft Dynamics and Hubspot to ensure consistent data across all your systems.
Integrate 30+ tools
From Microsoft Teams throug to Slack and Mail Chimp, connect your nonprofit with the tools you love to ensure a world class experience for your volunteers.
Scale with impact
Utilise Rosterfy to measure your impact and better understand the value of your volunteers and their contributions to your nonprofit.

Rosterfy. Highly configurable, super effective.
Cut down on manual processes and spreadsheets so you can focus on scaling and better connecting with your volunteers.
Schedule volunteers across various locations, including retail stores and fundraising events.
Ensurre your volunteers are compliant through thorough screening and background checks.
Track performance, impact and the ROI of your volunteer program with our customisable reports.
Reduce no-shows via automated emails. SMS and mobile app notifications.
Check in & out
Manage check in and out onsite or remotely using our kiosk or geo-fencing options
Ensure complete visibility of your volunteer program with custom dashboards
With 30+ API integrations, create a single source of truth for your volunteers program
Let us do the hard work for your. with automated workflows posering complesx solutions
With Rosterfy, Lifeline Australia process volunteer applications twice as fast!
“After one week of using Rosterfy, our Recruitment Office can process 10-12 volunteer applications per hour, as opposed to 3-5 volunteers per hour, through our previous system”
Volunteers also praised the system saying, “I found the platform to be user-friendly and easy to navigate throughout the entire application process”.